The Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars is held annually by the Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS (Saint Petersburg, Russia).
We invite submissions from young researchers (under 35 years old) working in all areas of linguistic typology and grammatical theory, whatever the material and theoretical framework. We especially welcome talks on the problems of linguistic typology, reports based on authors’ original field data, and corpus-based studies.
The conference program includes two types of talks:
- Keynote lectures.
- Talks by young scholars.
In addition, over a course of several years, a special thematic session was organized within the conference program. In 2013, the theme chosen for the section was grammaticalization, in 2014 it was agreement, and in 2015, negation.
The first Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars took place in autumn 2004 as an initiative of ILS RAS and Saint Petersburg Linguistic Society. Since then, the tradition has continued annually, and the number of languages presented at the conference has been steadily increasing.
This map was built using the R package “lingtypology”:
Moroz G. (2017). Lingtypology: easy mapping for Linguistic Typology.