Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Typology
and Grammar for Young Scholars
(Handouts, Presentations)
Tatiana Nikitinа. The syntax of reported discourse: A typological approach
Frans Plank. Chance and necessity in the life-cycle of suppletion
Alena Witzlack-Makarevich. Typological variation of differential argument marking: How to capture it and what it tells us
D. Arakelova. Deriving feminine forms from foreign surnames in Czech language [in Russian]
S. Ardysheva, Е. Romanova, D. Saparova. Functions of the clitic =ʨə in Poshkart Chuvash [in Russian]
M. Aristova. Prospective Aspect in Indonesian [in Russian]
T. Arkhangelskiy. Russian verbal loans in Udmurt
D. Belova. On certain properties of the mediopassive affix -alt- in Hill Mari [in Russian]
A. Belyaeva. On unusual cases of additive plurality in Abaza [in Russian]
B. Brosig. Speaking one’s surprise: Stance-conveying sentence-final uses of the quotative index verb ge- in Khalkha Mongolian
M. Cheremisinova. Attributivizers -əŋ and -əp in Kazym Khanty [in Russian]
Т. Davidyuk, K. Studenikina. Semantics and polysemy of causal markers: Evidence from Hill Mari [in Russian]
V. Dyachkov. Adjectives in Tomo Kan Dogon: Are they nouns or verbs? [in Russian]
M. Egorova. On semantics of Aorist in modern Serbian [in Russian]
M. Fedotov. Russian counterparts to the inclusive perfect and the particle uže [in Russian]
Th. Golosov. Light verbs-telicizers in Malokarachkinsky dialect of Chuvash [in Russian]
Yang Huang. Interrogative structures in nDrapa
N. Kalanova. Free choice indefinite pronouns in Hill Mari [in Russian]
I. Khomchenkova. Caritive marker -de in Hill Mari [in Russian]
E. Klyagina, A. Panova. Phasal polarity in Abaza [in Russian]
M. Knyazev. The transitive ‘need’ construction in Russian: A null BE analysis
A. Koshevoy. Abaza causative: Event structure [in Russian]
A. Kozlov. Case matters for Chukchi NP structure
T. Leonteva. Conjunction and comitative in Poshkart Chuvash [in Russian]
S. Mihailov. Why do Khanty names need a definite article? [in Russian]
A. Molchanova. Adverbial participle ending in -sa in the Poshkart dialect of Chuvash [in Russian]
D. Mordashova, A. Zakirova. Constructions with the verbal form lieš ‘becomes’ in Hill Mari and the propositional attitude holder [in Russian]
G. Moroz. How to get rid of sampling? Bayesian approach to typological research [in Russian]
V. Morozova. Complementations in Kina Rutul [in Russian]
N. Muraviev. ‘While we attended a talk’: Marking access to the information in Khanty temporal constructions
P. Nasledskova. Verbal spacial prefixes of Rutul [in Russian]
V. Naumova. Implicit negation with χɵn in Knanty language [in Russian]
I. Netkachev. Contextual converb in Kina Rutul: Criteria for structural (in)dependence
V. Olishevskaya. Deadjectival causative and reflexive verbs in the Poshkat dialect of Chuvash [in Russian]
A. Orlov. Distribution of relative clauses with a participle and with kotoryj in Russian [in Russian]
A. Palmova. Functions of spatial cases in Seto language [in Russian]
D. Petelin. Temporal expressions in Hill Mari language: Adverbs or NP [in Russian]
A. Piperski. ‑rast‑ [in Russian]
P. Pleshak. Encoding of possessive relations in Kaqchikel
N. Podpisnov. Division of labour between locative cases and postpositions in Buryat language [in Russian]
D. Popova. Update semantics for Komi-Zyrian past tense morphemes
D. Rakhman. The syntax of non-finite purpose clauses in Northern Khanty [in Russian]
E. Ryzhkova. Definite article in Kelderaš and North Russian Romani [in Russian]
D. Satanova. Types of optatives in Azerbaijani Talyshi [in Russian]
S. Sharygina. Once again about the means of expressing future time reference in Ingrian Finnish: Adverbials [in Russian]
A. Sidorova. The nominal number in Amguema Chukchi [in Russian]
M. Sidorova, J. Sinitsina. Approximative and comparative constructions with postpositional markers in Hill Mari: PP or NP?
I. Sieber. Assibilation typology based on the languages of Russia [in Russian]
A. Smirnova. Possessive constructions in Kazym dialect of Khanty language [in Russian]
I. Sokolova. Associative plural constructions in Kazym Khanty [in Russian]
A. Soloveva. Quantifier isa in Nothern Khanty [in Russian]
A. Starchenko. Analytic nominalization in Khanty [in Russian]
D. Tiskin. Towards a unified semantics for the Russian coordinator ni ... ni [in Russian]
A. Tugutova. Generalized noun modifying clause construction in Buryat
M. Usacheva. Expression of emotionality in Beserman Udmurt: Babytalk, obscene words, and ideophones
E. Verbina. Modal particles ki, at, λoλən in Western Khanty: Syntax and semantics [in Russian]
J. H. (Samira) Verhees, G. Moroz. Time and time again: The evolution of ‘time’-nouns into temporal clause markers in three Daghestanian languages
A. Voznesenskaia. Deadjectival nominals in Georgian
M. Yaroslavtseva. Typology of partitive constructions
D. Zelenskii. Unified description of Finnish consonant gradation [in Russian]
K. Zhuravlyova. Features of the grammatical category of the number of predicates and definitions for complex nouns with the first component pol- [in Russian]
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